jueves, 7 de enero de 2021


I have had my Beaulieu 4008 camera from TESTED SUPER-8 CAMERAS for a year now. I have not bought anything in all this time.  But the owner, César Ballesteros, has had the cortesy to send me a gift for the Epiphany, a badge, beautifuly made,  with the Beaulieu camera, without having to do it, because, for the moment, I am not buying anything. But with this small detail, he has made me happy. This is a good customer service! Thank you, César.

I just went to see the website TESTED SUPER-8 CAMERAS and I see, with surprise, that, in addition to the Beaulieu 4008, he also has, among other cameras, two authentic wonders completely serviced: the Leicina Special and my favorite the Bauer A512 Mark II Egido version, with manual ASA speed selector, LED light for aperture indicator and  lock for the EE meter with fast buttom, at very affordable price. Whit a camara like this, I have filmed in the Arctic an 80 minutes feature for Galician television.

César, although he now lives in Norway, I met him personally more thant 15 years ago. From his formerly company, CBD, I bought several devices that have given me nothing but satisfaction during all this years, such as a motorized slider that includes an intervalometer with a frame counter.

Note: I have no personal relationship with César and his small company. I simply try to make my experience useful to others.

Trailer with English subtitles of my feature, shot with my Bauer A512 Mark II: 

SPITSBERGEN O GARDIÁN DO ÁRTICO, trailer with English subtitles from IB CINEMA Motion Picture Films on Vimeo.

1 comentario:

  1. A lot of Camera and Projector descriptions can be found at https://www.super-8.com/super-8-lexikon.html
