miércoles, 10 de julio de 2024


The feature film “Perfect Antarctic Madness” is a Super-8 presentation unique worldwide due to achievements not achieved by any other filmmaker, which has earned international echo to the project, as a 6 full colour pages in the luxury printed SILVERGRAIN CLASSICS magazine,  (read more about the project in next link: CLICK HERE )

1) "
Perfect Antartic Madness" was filmed using Super-8 film self-loaded to Single-8 cartridges (to be able to shoot  at temperatures of -35 degrees Celsius, avoiding the risk of jams).

2) "Perfect Antarctic Madness" was shot using the glorious  ZC1000N motion film camera, following carefully advices of its designer, Shigeo Mizukawa,  for use it at extremely low temperatures (-35 º Celsius --even colder with the katabatic wind- in some places as Taylor Dry Valleys, near McMurdo). This camera has an built-in pressure pad and a double hook claw under the window gate, which pulls the film down, as happen with 16mm, and does not push it down, as with Super-8 cameras (please, read more about this in English in next link: CLICK HERE )

3) "Perfect Antarctic Madness" was shot using not only all current Kodak emulsions, negative or reversal, but also Kodak Double X film or Fujichrome 64T, the sharpest film ever available on S8, and a special gift from Shigeo Mizukawa,  the ZC1000 designer, for this project in the 50th anniversary of the camera.

4) "Perfect Antartic Madness" has an exclusive design  of a grain reduction system, FHJ, for the television version. Please, read more information in English in next link: CLICK HERE

Our HAL 9000 room

And something very important, which exceeds the technical limits of the Super-8 film, thanks to the invaluable collaboration of one of main experts in digitalization in Spain, José Luís Sanz  "Speed", from OCHO Y PICO:

5) Scanning of all the reversal film shooting (Ektachrome 7294 and 7285, various types of Fujichrome, MFX, Tri X, Double X --from the very same master roll manufactured by Kodak for "Oppenheimer", slitted for Nolan in 65 mm and for Ignacio Benedeti in S8!) at 6.5 K, occupying each frame 184 MB!!! José Luis had already digitized this part to 4K. But a few days ago he called Ignacio to tell him that he had ubdated his Kodak Genesis scanner for this quality and a special Super-8 gate, custom made by José Luis. 

José Luís´ Lab in Ocho y Pico

JAIME CHÁVARRI, VAL DEL OMAR... and Ignacio Benedeti.

José Luis, in addition to being a teacher, is a highly respected figure in Spain both by the industry and by the main film libraries;  important digitalization works on Spanish cinema have been possible thanks to his designs. As he is a film passionate, he sometimes wants to collaborate on independent projects, like this climatic tetralogy... fortunatelly for us!

The new scanning system developed by José Luis Sanz has only been used in three projects: the preservation of films of the legendary Spanish director Val del Omar, the preservation of the Super-8 films of the prestigious director Jaime Chávarri (a fundamental figure in the Spanish cinema) and now "Perfect Antarctic Madness".

Alex and me are watching a preview, and we don´t believe our eyes with the quality obtained by José Luís Sanz. Very soon, more information. 

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