jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2022


If I can get enough empty cartridges to reload, I intend to shoot my next feature-length global warming documentary in Antarctica, Alén da fin do mundo (Beyond the End of the World) entirely in Single-8 with the Fujica ZC1000. 

Today I received from the United States a nice package with five cartridges for free (including the postage), sent to me by David Bendiksen. Although it is a gift (thank you very much David!), customs clearance charged me 10 euros of tax! Damn Government thieves! For the Government it is never Christmas...

Inside, a beautiful handwritten letter: "Dear Ignacio, Greetings from Massachussetts! Glad to contribute in a small way to your project. Good luck with your filming and LONG LIVE TO FILM! Un abrazo from one analogic brother to another, David"

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