martes, 12 de febrero de 2019


Despite the high price (due mainly to the millions spent in the development), the new Ektachrome 7294 is selling so good in Súper-8 and 35 mm slide, that pre production  had started in bigger formats, both photographic and motion picture film (in 16 mm and even 35 mm, as genious as Tarantino as thinking in use Ektachrome in Hollywood!).
Next issue will publish other big article about Super-8 Ektachrome, with interesting news about Ektachrome and all the techniques using FILM as media. 
My boss, the American-German Charys Schuler, and the editor-in-chief Marwan Mozayen  are working hard this days because, next week, the magazine go to print in a state-of-art big rotary. 
Charys and Marwan, the persons on behalf  "Photoklassik International"
Each issue of this magazine, carefully printed in glamorous paper, will be a collector item in the future. In the opinion of the vice president of Motion Picture division, in Kodak: "Photoklassik International is very impressive".
Of course, the magazine is published in that modern Esperanto, which is the English lenguage. 
Order your sample today! 
A superwoman of the 21st century: violinist, photographer, editor, polyglot and mother of two children

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